Tau 2 camera's can be radiometric

Those looking at a radiometric solution might look at the flir tau2.4 which can be enabled by flir to have radiometric output. It really opens up a lot of possibly


New Member
FLIR TAU2 Thermal / Infrared Camera Cores with Advanced Radiometry enabled

http://OEMCameras.com has the full line of the FLIR TAU2 Thermal Cores as well as other very small visible cameras.

All TAU2's now come with Basic Radiometry Enabled (not as high accuracy as advanced) Radiometric features (e.g., spotmeter and/or isotherms)​

Some models not all can have the Advanced Radiometry enabled with Improved accuracy: typical performance on the order of +/-5deg C or 5% in high-gain state:
http://www.flir.com/cvs/cores/view/?id=51878 Soon all model;s with be able to have the Advanced Radiometry enabled.

Pricing for the 320x240 pixel resolution TAU cores are in the low $3,000 range. 640x480 are in high $6,000 range. There is also 160x120 units available for $2,000
There are some accessories needed to easily connect to the video and power. The have all you need.

They are also coming out with a very small SD Video recorder with LED Screen that will connect directly to and power the Thermal Camera.

