Post Production Softare? What do you use?

Hi there.
Many use the GoPro and other cameras to shoot and film from your MR as I do.

Is there "one" software package that you prefer for post-production work? Free? Paid?

I'd like to find one that I can edit and add music / effects / etc but don't want to have to go to the grouble of testing out a bunch of different software titles if you have one that you really like.

I'd post some of my own video's (Vimeo? YouTube?) but they really need some good editing to cut out all of the extraneous crud (like start / stop sequence, etc).

Thanks in advance!

Thanks IrisAerial.
I saw that one last night while googling post production video software. It's free - so I may have to give it a shot to see what it can do.
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Drone Enthusiast
I was clearly joking. i think it's a pretty easy thing to find that most are using Adobe premiere pro with after effects or the final cut suite. i think Adobe's CS is taking the cake lately.

with that said, its amazing what you can do in imovie or any editor. most people are just cuting and pasting clips and for that it doesnt take much. its when you get into odd formats like red or 1080/60p and have multiple views, sound sync, integration with other applications as AE, you need more pow.

Thanks haris_g.
Since I am new to video editing I thought I could find some experienced input on this forum for what others are using with success. I'll look into those that you suggested.

I'm not opposed to paying for software, but for my initial learning curve it might be better - and I'm open to opinions and input here - to try some basic (read "free") software to understand the process before looking for one that will suite my needs for the near future.


pendejo grande
Hi rdalemercer, if you're on mac-imovie does what you'll need to understand basic workflow, add transitions, music, titles, fade in fade outs, etc. I have a laptop that has windows movie maker, haven't messed around with it but appears to have about the same things. My son uses Sony Vegas and he does some stuff with that and a few plug ins that are crazy good. Final Cut and Adobe both have a pretty steep learning curve if you never done any editing before. Best of luck and free is good enuff imho.


If you're gonna bite the bullet and go with a full blown editor like Final Cut Pro X, I highly recommend the training videos by Izzy Video.


I am in the process of learning Photoshop CS6. Pretty powerful stuff. Works good for videos too. IMovie is also good and super super easy.


people can fly
I'm not opposed to paying for software, but for my initial learning curve it might be better - and I'm open to opinions and input here - to try some basic (read "free") software to understand the process before looking for one that will suite my needs for the near future.

If you have no previous experience with editing then you might want to get the basics from tutorials and from free software, then you can play with the trials (I think both Premier and Edius have a 30day trial) and find for your self what suits best your style, budget and also check out how steep is for your this so called "learning curve" of each one compared to the "Easy and free" ones. After all editing software is about cutting footage and they all do that in the same way (almost :)

btw there is an other freeware soft (never used it but heard good things about it from the video community I'm involved) here it is

I really appreciate all of the responses. This gives me a lot of "food for thought" and from reading your input, a strategy to follow by starting with "free" --> possibly trying the "Trial" versions and then - if the "free" doesn't meet my needs - purchase software that will allow me to grow as I improve with the editing process.

Thank you.

Sad attempt - but here is the first Windows Movie Maker result
[video]<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Untitled</a> from <a href="">rdalemercer</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>[/video]

[video]<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Untitled</a> from <a href="">rdalemercer</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>[/video]


i was able to watch the vimeo link. pretty good for your first video - some humor, some action and some flying all in one shot. nicely done. keep at it, you will learn lots as you go and its pretty fun too!

I've cut national shows NBC Sports and Comcast on Apple Final Cut Pro 7 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 - both are definitely up to the task. Avid Media Composer is nice too. All three are expensive, but you get what you pay for.
