Paid Consultant Needed

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A while back I purchased a used, built F450 from another user here. It came with a Futaba 8J, two Turnigy 2.2 lipos, Naza GPS. I have also purchased a Cellpro Multi 4 at Bartman's suggestion.

Although I'm sure I'll have to learn to build after my first crash, I want to start after that point. What documentation and/or tutorials should I start looking at first?

I have a new MBP running windows 7 via Bootcamp.

Please let me know how much you'll charge to tell me where in the documentation I should start at this point.

Thank you!

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Why pay? YouTube, manuals online, forum posts and a simulator are probably all you need.

We're all here to help too!


Active Member
It's great to have someone personally show you the basics and bits and pieces, but you can also do it on you own. For someone new to this game, there is so much irritating stuff that you dont know where to start....and you feel very " small "....

Makes things a lot easier if you break it up into smaller sections and than " merge" it together a bit later on....

Lipo's, Propellers, different frames, Flight controls, Remote Controls, Motors, Video Transmission......try to learn a bit from everything, but not all at the same time, and the fog will start to lift soon.......

also use the forum a lot and ask lots of questions......we are here to help you. Just tell us what friggles you most, and bit by bit we will solve the puzzle....



Active Member
ChrisViperM;124806.....we are here to help you. Just tell us what friggles you most said:
That's good to know, as I pre-ordered the S800 Evo as there was lots of videos on how to put it together properly, it even shows you what screws to add loctite to :)
Now I've just ordered a Skyjib 6 Ti and am forgetting about the Evo, as I have been put off waiting on it, so I will need a LOT of help, as I am very new to the building side of things, but really want to give it a go so I can get to know it inside out, instead of slotting things together and not really knowing how they work..
I will be asking some really stupid questions over the coming months so please don't laugh too much at them, as what seems simple to some is not so easy for others, but I am willing to do a lot of research and self teaching.


Active Member
.....we are here to help you. Just tell us what friggles you most, and bit by bit we will solve the puzzle....


That's good to know, as I pre-ordered the S800 Evo as there was lots of videos on how to put it together properly, it even shows you what screws to add loctite to :)
Now I've just ordered a Skyjib 6 Ti and am forgetting about the Evo, as I have been put off waiting on it, so I will need a LOT of help, as I am very new to the building side of things, but really want to give it a go so I can get to know it inside out, instead of slotting things together and not really knowing how they work..
I will be asking some really stupid questions over the coming months so please don't laugh too much at them, as what seems simple to some is not so easy for others, but I am willing to do a lot of research and self teaching.


The answer to my original question is "quick start guide." The advice I was seeking was to refer to the quick start guide. Many thanks to Bartman for helping. Thanks also to those who offered assistance. Perhaps I didn't ask the question properly.

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