Newbie to Multi Rotors looking for some advice


New Member
My son (14 yrs old) and I have been dabbling with RC airplanes for a couple of years - nothing fancy. We have built two scratch builds from plans on flitetest - they worked ok, but we wrecked them pretty quick.

Our main problem is that there is a lack of really good open space to fly around where we live - lots of park space but also lots of trees - it's hard to find anything much bigger than a football field to fly in without worrying about power lines, tress, houses etc.

We are dying to build a multi-rotor, quad most likely, nothing too complicated to start but at some point our dream is to do FPV (not with our first build though).

We are wondering if there are some good plans somewhere on this site that could help us get out of the blocks quick - we have been doing our research but there are so many options and configurations.

We have a Turnigy 9x radio and a couple of receivers (I know, it's a cheapo, but it works well and I think it can be setup for a heli).

Any advice would be great

Thanks in advance.
