Need help with a transmitter purchase please

Disclaimer: I have posted this on other forums in hopes I can make a selection before time runs out to return my mistake.

I am told the FS-T6 was not a good choice.
I was looking at the FS-i6 or i10and the Radiolink AT9. Does anyone have a preference?
I would like to have telemetry for future use and I would like to get as many channels as I may need for future expansion. I would also like to add some extra sensors at some point. I understand the value of spread spectrum, do I need it?

This will be my first Transmitter and I would like for it to last a while.

The big deal for me right now is the need to be able to plug it into my USB port for flight simulator. (Yes Virginia, I need the practice).

Thanks for your input. I is greatly needed and appreciated.



Third vote for Taranis. Not sure about flight Sims but a google search should yield an answer. There is a very large online community for this radio. (Another good reason to own) ;)

Old Man

Active Member
There have been a couple of FrSky transmitters have significant electronic workmanship failures at my local flying field. Almost lost one new 3DR X-8 due to Tx failure on the first flight. Had the Mavlink comm system not also been in use it would have been a fly away.
