NASA Langley UAV Technology Showcase


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NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA invites you to its UAV Technology showcase. This one-day event will feature three prominent UAV-related technologies with presentations from inventors, flight demonstrations, 1-on-1 meetings, and an exciting tour of NASA Langley Research Center.

The first technology being featured is Safe2Ditch, an autonomous crash management system that enables landing to a safe and clear ditch site in the event of an unexpected critical flight issue. This is done autonomously, without any assistance from a safety pilot or ground station!

The second presentation will be on SafeGuard, which uses a geo-fence system to alleviate the dangers of unmanned aircrafts flying beyond their authorized perimeters and into no-fly zones, taking action to guarantee the perimeters are not breached.

The final presentation will be on an improved method of detecting power line faults. The system is called UAV Corona Detection, which enables safe, autonomous inspection of high-voltage power grids. This system uses drone mounted ultraviolet cameras to detect, inspect, and analyze a corona discharge.

Space is limited for this event, learn more and register today!
