Huge missed opportunity.... I think


So I am about a day deep into calling multirotor stores, reading forum post, watching youtube builds. And I am really surprised to see that there is no such thing as a fully RTF Multirotor FPV racer. Not only that but the ARF, BNF, and RTF kits really come with no assembly/ operation instructions. Even the most RTF multirotor seems to require adding cameras and transmitters and haveing recievers and controllers. Many of the stores I called suggested that there are fully built systems, but they are more expensive, and then proceeded not to tell me where they are. And I cannot find them on the internet.

I recognice the value of building your own and doing the necessary programing. But Geez... no step by step instructions. Not sure about the rationale for that.

I and I think a lot of others would like up to buy either a fully RTF FPV system or at least a well documented kit.

Please correct me if there are things like that.
