A2 IOC- HOME LOCK twitch/bug?


New Member
Hello all!

I recently discover what I think to be a bug in the algorithm, controller, or at least an issue which I would like to get solved,
Please note that I have the same issue, on two different A2 units(both new in the past 4 months), on two separate multirotors, S900 and S1000.
Both fly on different radio systems(14sg's).
And I suspect that both started to do this since the last updated I made to them using assistant 1.8 software.

The issue:

While flying in IOC - Home LOCK model

Pulling the stick towards me, or flying away from me by pushing and introducing Left or Right input - the bird behave as expected.
BUT once Left or Right input is ceased, the multirotor does about a 30 degrees instant and sharp roll twitch. - this does not change with the rate of the input given, I.e even If I reduce the input extremely slowly, the same twitch occur.

It seems like once there is no more input to command left or right motion while moving the twitch occurs, needless to say it is the end to our shot.

I hope I was able to explain the issue, and I would appreciate anyone that heard, or experienced similar issues,

Kind regards for your time,


Not too many guys use ioc when doing Aerial Video but I will try to replicate your problem on my rig next time I fly it.


New Member
Thanks, I sure hope to find the answer, or to find out if more people have similar issue

Anyway, here is a video we did earlier last week, for fun :)


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
I think this was noticed as a bug by DJI and was fixed in one of the recent updates. Have a look at the update summary page which you can download off the DJI site.
