A2 2.2 Upgrade Guinea Pig


Drone Enthusiast
So 2.2 is released with its very carefully worded releace notes..

Just waiting for GoPro to charge (another bugbear) and Ill do it on camera from start to finish...that if the GoPro Battery will last that long!

Chocks away I have nothing to loose now just my time!



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Hi Dave

Good luck with it. I did the upgrade but misinterpreted the calibration directions and ran out of time. The Update All button worked great and brought all of the components up to date in one fell swoop.

Were you able to replace your GPS puck or have you ruled that out as causing your problems?

Good luck with it.


Drone Enthusiast
Were you able to replace your GPS puck or have you ruled that out as causing your problems?

5 weeks and still waiting for the Puck. Thats another story which unless the dealer responds by monday I will have to throw the toys out of the pram.

Still waiting for the bloody gopro!


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Hi Droider, we have certainly been having issues with the A2s as well. A 550 kit has just arrived this morning which I will hopefully put together over the weekend. The idea is to put an A2 on it and rag the living day lights out of it to test each and every firmware update until DJI can produce something fit for purpose.


Drone Enthusiast
Its got so bad I hear a rumour that some dealers in the UK have withdrawn them from sale after a couple of catastrophic S1000 failures. Trying to upload pics but the site seems to be refusing the uploads

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Drone Enthusiast
Hi Droider, we have certainly been having issues with the A2s as well. A 550 kit has just arrived this morning which I will hopefully put together over the weekend. The idea is to put an A2 on it and rag the living day lights out of it to test each and every firmware update until DJI can produce something fit for purpose.

Here are my grounded A2 machines. The one on the right is the crash test dummy the one on the right is the one with the faulty GSP unit that even though the UK DJI dealer has had it for over 5 weeks has not replaced it. It also has SBUS unit on it which does not like temperature changes for some reason and needs to be powered on and off several times to actually start up..

Any how lets see what happens eh..



Drone Enthusiast
So first step fails!!

So I am trying to update on MAC OS and even though I have launched the new 1.3 assistant software the upgrade assistant say there is NO upgrades and that my A2 is uptodate even though its on 2.1!

Any suggestions...

Ill try Windowz version



Heli's & Tele's bloke
I have already detailed elsewhere the faulty new A2 that was installed on an equally brand new EVO where all the CCW motors all spasm-ed. Changing just the Main Controller Unit fixed all that.

Just a few subsequent flights seemed to confirm normal operation and so last week I used it on a shoot for an ITV crew here in Kenya and I have to say the whole rig performed flawlessly. The film crew was up against a very tight schedule so there was no time for messing about with stuff that didn't work, like unreliable downlink or FC issues. To make it all the more interesting the wind became rather boisterous.

One of the shots required chasing runners (as in marathon runners), flying at waist height until they were full frame before catapaulting into the sky to reveal the landscape around Lake Elmenteita in the Rift Valley and shooting off across the lake to startle the pelicans and flamingos into flight. This was all single operator LOS and from a distance of eventually 90-100 meters before the ascent. Not much room for error at that minimal altitude, particularly with the wind gusting to 30 kph.

The EVO/A2 handled it all without complaining and the GH3 on a Z15-GH3 produced fabulous, rock steady footage.

So it seems that buying the A2 is a bit of a lottery at the moment, whether you get a good one or a lemon! If you win the lottery and get a good one, it appears to function very well.


Drone Enthusiast
SO The Windoz version worked after booting up a few times. It first reported no firmware upgrade required. Eventually after rebooting the computer and reconnecting it di the Auto Upgrade.

Make sure travel adjust on radio is set so 'RC lost' is not reported in the assistant across the whole range otherwise compass calibration wont work.. onwards now setting channels.



Drone Enthusiast
Glad you have had some success.


I have already detailed elsewhere the faulty new A2 that was installed on an equally brand new EVO where all the CCW motors all spasm-ed. Changing just the Main Controller Unit fixed all that.

Just a few subsequent flights seemed to confirm normal operation and so last week I used it on a shoot for an ITV crew here in Kenya and I have to say the whole rig performed flawlessly. The film crew was up against a very tight schedule so there was no time for messing about with stuff that didn't work, like unreliable downlink or FC issues. To make it all the more interesting the wind became rather boisterous.

One of the shots required chasing runners (as in marathon runners), flying at waist height until they were full frame before catapaulting into the sky to reveal the landscape around Lake Elmenteita in the Rift Valley and shooting off across the lake to startle the pelicans and flamingos into flight. This was all single operator LOS and from a distance of eventually 90-100 meters before the ascent. Not much room for error at that minimal altitude, particularly with the wind gusting to 30 kph.

The EVO/A2 handled it all without complaining and the GH3 on a Z15-GH3 produced fabulous, rock steady footage.

So it seems that buying the A2 is a bit of a lottery at the moment, whether you get a good one or a lemon! If you win the lottery and get a good one, it appears to function very well.


Drone Enthusiast
So it flies but lost GPS with in a min or two of taking off on maiden. On Video. Landed it got them back and took off again. two flights so far and its not lost signal.. thing is when it did lose satellite it seemed to take off on is own rather than just go in to a atti drift.

More tuning needed.

iOS on ipad no longer works. you get to the stage of selecting the FC then it crashes. Not tried iphone yet but guess it will do the same.

Bound to DX18. Got 10 channels. Tried enabling the other 8 but it would not bind. But 10 will do me for now.

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I upgraded using a MAC. The install worked well. After, I tried to connect using my iPad to the Blu-tooth LED. The iOS A2 Assistant App kept crashing. It worked fine with the 2.1 version. Sometimes the app crashes, and sometimes I get an error message saying Sorry, this app is incompatible with this version, wait for upgrade. I've, checked everything, reinstalled, cleared the BTU, but it doesn't work. It connects and shows me the Main Controller name I entered. When I click on the name A2: 550 the app just disappears from the screen.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Firmware upgrades are always accompanied by a new iOS app. But make sure you keep the old iOS app before upgrading so that you can go back if the new firmware is squirly.


Droider- quick question, what fc are you using on your commercial rig. I'm in the middle of a build and don't need any issues but need to stick with dji because of the zen. Have you found wkm reliable on latest software if your using it of course. i was going with a2 but am having mega concerns lately with recent reports on a few forums. I seen a vid that looked classic flip of death scenario just like early wkm on evo's. Cant be sure it wasn't operator or build error of course but leaves me with limited confidence and with all the reports of gps dropping mid flight even though i fly mostly atti i'm feeling wkm is a safer bet.


Drone Enthusiast
ALL our comercial rigs are WKM FW 5.20. We have been testing 5.26 for a few weeks now for the waypoints. We did try 5.24 but went back in double quick time to 5.20.

The two Y6 machines hanging on the wall are the A2 paperweights. Doubt they will see any commercial work until the FC is as solid as the WKM, well ours at least.




Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
WKM is a solid FC at the moment in my experience. Whilst I only own 2 MRs and only one with a WKM on, it has been on my workhorse with FW 5.26 on it and it has been faultless. I have built goodness knows how many machines for people with the WKM and it has been very reliable. I have now built 5 machines with the A2 and trained approx 6 flight crews with the A2 and let's just say my brand new Gryphon Dynamics with A2 controller is grounded at the moment.


Thanks carapau i know you and droider are straight shooters when it comes to dji stuff so totally helped me make my decision. I been going back and forth for a while now but going with wkm now.
