1.3 GHz FPV trashed 2.4gHz reception


I am wondering if I can do anything else to improve my 2.4 Tx reception since adding a 1.3 RMRC vTx?
I used this http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_66_71&products_id=3397 and this http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_45_52&products_id=484 My reception on the monitor is ok, but the distance I can fly before losing Tx reception has gone from hundreds of yards (I never ran out of Tx) to about 100 yds LOS. I did find out that my FS works today!
I have the Tx on the back of a 450 and the vTx on the front as far apart as possible
I really don't want to invest more money into a Dragon Link system if I can help it. Would anyone have a suggestion as to what else I might try? David


Wikipedia Photographer
1) Mount the vTx and Rx antennas as far away from eachother as possible.
2) Not always physically possible, but adding a high-pass filter to the Rx would help filter out interference.
3) Try changing vTx channel.


I've done one and two on your list. I'll try #3 below is a photo of the set up. David


  • image.jpg
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New Member
Here is a warning from someone who snapped a QAV400 in half trying to use 1.3ghz video and 2.4 ghz control , DON'T it will end in tears


Bruce on RC Model Reviews, just did a video on his white board, explaining the resonance frequencies thing, pretty interesting.


Wikipedia Photographer
4) Also try to mount your vTx and Rx antennas with different orientation. If your vTx antenna is vertical mount your Rx antenna horizontal or vice verse.


I gave up using radio 2.4 Tx with 1.3 FPV as 120 meters was about all the distance I could get along with a constant "telemetry is low" or "telemetry is critical" voice from my radio. Set up and filters were properly configured.
I bought a Dragonlink kit and can now fly my 450 the way I thought I would from the beginning. David
