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  1. G

    new and suffering from info overload....

    i hadn't considered crashing on the field. that does bring up a very good safety concern. granted most players are wearing protective gear, masks and goggles at a minimum, i would hate to have it crash and do harm to a fellow player. i think i'll build an APM based quad over time, simply...
  2. G

    new and suffering from info overload....

    I hadn't thought about that, but it does make a lot of sense for what I'm trying to accomplish. That is actually what perked my interest in a quadcopter for overhead filming. But since it doesn't offer waypoints, I started looking elsewhere.
  3. G

    new and suffering from info overload....

    Hi all, I'm completely new to RC flying machines. But I have decided I want a quad or hex copter. I will be primarily using it for filming paintball practices and tournaments, so the requirements are pretty basic: 1) Waypoints 2) RTH ability 3) 10 minute minimum run time, but longer would be...