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    Safe to fly (limited to up & down) without NavCntrl?

    My AD-6 currently has no NavCntrl (lost FC communication - see exisiting threads seeking advice). But everything else is operating OK. A new GoPro camera arrived yesterday and I want to try it out - is it safe enought to try a flight limited to a vertical hover of about 2-3 mtrs then land?
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    Placing batteries low for lower centre of gravity?

    Has anyone tried fixing batteries low (close to landing gear level) to drop the centre of gravity down? I think that would possibly aid in craft stability.I would love to know if anyone has tried that and has any result to tell. If not I'll try it mself.
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    Photohigher AV200 PRO, Video Vibrations ?

    Droider - your footage at the Okavango Delta was perfect. Great stuff. What is the setup that produced such smooth video can I ask?
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    Props Balancing

    I ordered a Du-Bro Tru Spin so will get my props balanced shortly. However I have a question. I Purchased a set of APC 12x3.8 props for my Droidworx Hexacopter. They come with a pair of different sized bore plug to fit depending on the size of the motor shaft. On my Hexa I have HK3638 motors...
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    Lost NaviCntrl on Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    I want ot add a word of thanks to Geoff for his very helpful support since I purchased this Hexacopter. Especially bearing in mind I had absolutely no experience with RC anything prior to that! I have no doubt in the build quality at all, and agree that after a few less than soft landings where...
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    Lost NaviCntrl on Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    Dave thanks. I have physically checked all the connecting cables and everything seems OK, but have not checked for cable continuity. I don't have the tools to do that myself - but I guess that's the only next step to try.
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    Lost NaviCntrl on Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    Pano-Dirk thanks, yes the message I get is no FC communication. I did actually check the connections between the FC and NC boards and indeed one on the cables was loose. Thinking 'ah-ha' I pressed it home firmly and tried again, but get the same error message. In MKTools same error. My Jeti...
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    Ideas on how to improve video smoothness?

    Makes a difference that makes an obvious difference balancing the props. I will check mine asap. Ordered a Du-Bro prop balancer. Would have thought however that sticking bits of tape on the prop blade would reduce efficiency a little and could introduce some unwanted extra turbulance. The...
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    Lost NaviCntrl on Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    Error 3 Does anyone know what that means and how to resolve it?
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    Props Balancing

    Where can I get hold of one of those (Du-Pro tru spin prop balancer)?
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    Photohigher AV200 PRO, Video Vibrations ?

    I have been loking for a supplier of silicon gel pads - do you know where I can get some?
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    Ideas on how to improve video smoothness?

    This was all interesting reading. I am new to this - have a Droidworx AD6-HL to lift a uitable DSLR to aerial photography. I didn't know about balancing props and motors. Is there a thread anyone knows of that explains more about how to balance props and motors?
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    Mikrokopter Anti vibration mounts UK M3 x 15

    Yes - I've been asking the same question. Come on - somebody knows. Where? Geoff at hasn't got any when I asked him.
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    Mikrokopter Lost NaviCntrl on AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    Need help from an experienced Hexacopter/Octocopter flyer using Mikrokopter software. Today I lost NaviCntrl mid fllight (after two ealier successful flights). Started out with a good 8 sat lock and 3D GPS lock. After a few moments I lost NaviCntrl. There is a red light showing on the...
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    Lost NaviCntrl on Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - need help!

    Need help from an experienced Hexacopter/Octocopter flyer using Mikrokopter software. Today I lost NaviCntrl mid fllight (after two ealier successful flights). Started out with a good 8 sat lock and 3D GPS lock. After a few moments I lost NaviCntrl. There is a red light showing on the...
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    Lost NaviCntrl on my Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - help!

    Need help from an experienced Hexacopter/Octocopter flyer using Mikrokopter software. Today I lost NaviCntrl mid fllight (after two ealier successful flights). Started out with a good 8 sat lock and 3D GPS lock. After a few moments I lost NaviCntrl. There is a red light showing on the...
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    Starter - needs advice for best results

    Practice accepted - other factors unknown. Thanks for that advice. I have been practicing for weeks on a Gaui 500X Quad, and regularly (daily) on Aerosim RC, before I attempted to fly the AD6. That was only to get familiar with the controls of course. Flying the AD6 for real feels quite...
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    Starter - needs advice for best results

    Hi - new to this. But I have a Droidworx AD6-HL with Photohigher AV200 camera mount to carry a Nikon D7000 or similar (Canon 550D for example). First test flight was not wonderful. Keeping the Hexcopter steady even in the calm conditions was very hard - harder than I expected. Don't know how...