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  1. RPInnovationsSG

    I am afraid to maiden my new S800 EVO

    Any info on the X, Y, Z numbers for setting the IMU and GPS? Tks.
  2. RPInnovationsSG

    Dji datalink

    Anyone having problems when they connect the datalink usb to computer or notebook? I get USB Powersurge and to reset computer. (Still get the same error message) Even when only 1 USB is plugged in.
  3. RPInnovationsSG

    Aeronavics / Droidworx New forum area, Droidworx

    Looking forward to the pictures of your build. :)
  4. RPInnovationsSG

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Power Distribution SkiJib-8 Lite

    Can't wait to give the New Distribution Board a go.