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  1. Q

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Thanks for posting my vids up Droider, now I've sussed how easy it is to upload to Youtube, I'll try and keep on top of the MRF posting etc. Took me ages to find a track that suited the flights, I thought Leftfield Melt was perfect though for the FPV Mooch vid. It's a fantastic area to fly...
  2. Q

    UK / European Spring Meet 2012

    RC Pub-stop, like it.
  3. Q

    UK / European Spring Meet 2012

    I'm gettin the words "barrel of Deuchars". Planning some long range FPV, perhaps pre Deuchars tho might be advised.
  4. Q

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    If it's still in one piece after my week in the Lakes FPV-ing, I'll bring it along. :eek:
  5. Q

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    Did I see the words Deuchars and beer mentioned, I'm packing the car now.
  6. Q

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    My second FPV flight the day after, not as much blue sky but same location, tried to relax a bit more and concentrate on keepin her steady, I desperately wanted to throw her under the bridge but didn't have the balls or the skill, yet.....!
  7. Q

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Whilst on holiday in Molini Di Triora, Italy, I finally bit the bullet, threw caution and the Quad to the wind and performed my first proper FPV flight.
  8. Q

    Droidworx Frame Giveaway contest

    Count me in, I need summat beefier to carry all me gubbins, might even build a crawlcopter with it :D Thanks for the chance.