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  1. N

    Aerial Photographer, mostly from the real thing.

    Aerial Photographer, mostly from the real thing.
  2. N

    Next Gen Gone?

    Seriously you don't want to buy it, it's now scrap. Being a novice at this I tended to think all the problems were me. I also had a suspicion about the Octo, it just did not look the part even to my untrained eye. Lengths of cable folded and velcro'ed to the machine instead of cut to length. Why...
  3. N

    Next Gen Gone?

    Bart, All a bit sad really, if you met him you liked him and if I am honest I still do like him. He has a young family you can't help but feel sorry for, not one of the Worlds bad people by any stretch of the imagination. I would think he is in a very unhappy place right now with few options. It...
  4. N

    Next Gen Gone?

    Barge pole no, cattle prod that's a different story. :-) Kevin.
  5. N

    Next Gen Gone?

    How much would you like an Octo2 he built? I could sell you my one he built, you just need lots of velcro, rewire it, replace the boards and get a new camera gimbal that actually works. If you do find him and he builds one for you no doubt he will turn up late and still be soldering bits in the...