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  1. H

    Turnigy 9x with Frsky module - various problems.

    You have to trim the plastic around the pins on the 9x off. Once you've done this the module will fit the whole way in and probably yield better results Plastic on - Plastic coming off -...
  2. H

    Are these the batteries and charger I want?

    The recommended props for those motors are 1045@3S and 845@4S. I didn't find a chart, but the 10" may give you a little more thrust (lifting power), but the 8" may be a little more efficient. 9" props should work fine with either - but here's where ecalc comes in very handy!! It's not difficult...
  3. H

    Need help tracking down dangerous operator.

    There's a picture of what looks like a pretty expensive rig on the top Banner of his YouTube page News stations have apparently been trying to get a hold of him the last few days...
  4. H

    Are these the batteries and charger I want?

    Answers in bold. Pics please :) lol
  5. H

    T-motor ESCs - Opto? or SimonK? or .........???

    1. It's recommended, but not critical to getting your multirotor in the air. I fly with stock firmware on my ESCs, and it flies fine - but I'm told once I get multirotor firmware (SimonK or BLHeli), the responsiveness will seem like a night and day difference. 2. Good information here...
  6. H

    Bolt-on prop adaptor compatibility....

    I also have these ( on my 2830-11's and they fit perfectly (once the shaft has been shortened, obviously).
  7. H

    My First Build

    Programming port installed easily to the Tx - still haven't updated firmware though. After flying, it turns out the stock prop adapters suck. Kept throwing them until it finally broke an arm in one of its crashes :( Zip tied for now 4/7 Order 7 from HeadsUpRC ($16.80 shipped) 4x Rotor End Prop...
  8. H

    mini HDMI to Analog converter, NTSC, for NEX 5/7

    bartman - I don't speak the language, but looking at the first video here (, @3:49 it appears audio is yellow, video is red, black is ground (unless they're trying to be even more confusing than their color choices...)
  9. H

    My First Build

    Hello, all! First I want to send out a big thank you to everyone here and at rcgroups that have plastered such awesome information for beginners like me to find and try to cram my head with. About 2 months ago I got bit by the bug. At this point I don't even remember what the catalyst was, but I...