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  1. Michael


    Hello Ron I do not know how to find Private area sorry
  2. Michael


    Hello the big problem is information . Many people have tried to help but one thing is always missing There must be many like myself who have just started and need the right information . It would be so helpful if someone would write from the beginning ,. it is somewhat difficult to...
  3. Michael


    Hello Bowley you are tight there but it seemd to go well the first time !!!!
  4. Michael


    Hello do not know if i am at the right place as I am not used to forums . I flew my Flamewheel for the first time . it was fine but he second try it rose to 100 feet and dissapeared over the houses . What i would like to know is i had great difficulty setting it up even with the help i...
  5. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello still not used to using Forums but have managed to reach Freechip who is the one who gave the setup here for the 450 in helicopter mode and he will be helping me for your info my equipment is the DX 8 and the AR 8000 but thanks for your input Regards Michael
  6. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Mori55 or anybody who can help !!! I have now after some attempts got nearly there using the freechip setup however let me say where the problem is right now 1 course lock 2 home lock Flight mode switch 0 OFF 1 course lock 2 nothing . so the problem I have is...
  7. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello 02deuce Very good BUT I really do not understand what you mean ... Just look at me as an idiot that needs have everything explained to me, as I know absolutely NOTHING about what I am trying to do . I can fly the toy 2 ghz heli my son bought me for Christmas, but...
  8. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    One question i would like to ask everyone who has offered help and all have been very helpful . Why when the throttle is less than 10% are the motors set to stop . surely if the quad is in the air and the motors stop it will crash if the pilot is not quick enough to restart . I do...
  9. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Sound Advantage will try this during the coming week It has been most frustrating as I have had this 450 since last year and have looked everywhere for step by step instructions ..... trouble is there are two ways of doing it and so far apart from the Heli one I...
  10. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hi Mori55 tomorrow Ill try reading it through to see if i can do it that way ok regards Michael I feel such a mug
  11. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Mori55 I do not know what you will say now because I cannot open this file my laptop will not open it SORRY Michael
  12. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Mori55 this is the helicopter download for the 450 yes Ill have a go thanks Regards Michael
  13. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Mori55 I am not toooo familier with computers BUT when I right click on your message in my email, all I get is to comeback here to your message so I am unable to download anything .......... , maybe I am just too STUPID I have been trying to get this just to work without...
  14. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello Mori55 for some reason I cannot down load this to my computer , thanks for trying to help Regards Michael
  15. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    I realise everyone is trying to help but I need to be able to start this program from the start and take it step by step watching a video is difficult because some talk too quickly and do some actions that I do not know how to get there ...... step by step I could follow for...
  16. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello O K thanks but now I have to wait the cable plug to AR 8000 has gone US !!!!! ordered a new one but take a LONG time Thanks for your button and switch set up BUT I have to be taken through the sequence to GET there that is the PROBLEM I have !!!!! Regards Michael
  17. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    PS I am so unused to Forums I sometimes cannot get to the right page sorry I have now downloaded one Helicopter and failed ! and one Failsafe which cant be done until Ive set the programme up properly Michael
  18. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello billmac I did not seem to be able to go anywhere with the plane setup so tried the helicopter and after half a day I am in a mess with that too ....I suppose if one is familier with the DX8 it might be easy BUT I find the DX 8 very hard due the roller keeps throwing me...
  19. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello billmac thanks for the info it was changed at the advice of another flyer ....... trouble is many have different ideas on this set up
  20. Michael

    Need help on setting DJI NAZA GPS with Spektrum DX8

    Hello i am completely lost here in this forum ......... maybe at 80 im just too old I am sure that My set up is wrongly wired to the AR 8000 I have X2 to Aux 2 U to Aux 1 should I be connected to the Gear channel So what happens now ...... Aux 2 has Fails Safe 2...