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  1. C

    Need Help! Finding my first drone.

    The really good deals on the 3DR Solo, are drying up, but can be had for $300 range and are designed for the GoPro and do everything you want.
  2. C

    Need NAZA Expert

    It can be confusing, especially for my old 67 yr old head, and having some Naza, Naze, and Pixhawk flight controllers. I easily get things mixed up. Was playing with open TX and my Taranis a while ago, and mistakenly lost all my models! Re-setting everything was/is a beech. Still have a few to go!
  3. C

    Need NAZA Expert

    This ought to help you out. It can be confusing, but you'll get it, I did!
  4. C

    Predictions for 2016, let's hear yours!

    Predictions for 2017 ??? 3DR will rise from the ashes! Happy New Year to one and all:):)
  5. C

    Trying to calibrate esc with cleanflight, but escs wont beep when I plug the naze32 in with the TX o

    I've read that "shrieking" is an indication of the ESC's not being in sync
  6. C

    Trying to calibrate esc with cleanflight, but escs wont beep when I plug the naze32 in with the TX o

    Our Friend "Painless 360" has a good video explaining ESC's Not all types have to have the power (red) wire disconnected. I don't like the idea of my board depending on a single ESC/bec for power, as I've fried more than 1 esc. Give this a look see
  7. C

    Trying to calibrate esc with cleanflight, but escs wont beep when I plug the naze32 in with the TX o

    FIRST......NO PROPS! Connect to Cleanflight, go to motors, move the slider thing to OK I UNDERSTAND THE RISKS, no battery power to the naze yet, move the MASTER slider all the way to the top (wide open) then plug in battery. wait a second or two, then pull the MASTER slider all the way down, you...
  8. C

    Gobi 180

    Update... Original motors, while plenty powerful, were a bit heavy, so I scaled down the motors to some Emax 1806/2280kv, and some DAL 3 blade 4.5 props. Strapped on a Black Mamba TX, and it's a blast to buzz around all my trees, bushes, etc. etc.
  9. C

    To Close For Comfort

    Very nice! Catching to two trains was a nice touch too.
  10. C

    VERY dissapointed in dominator V3's

    An update, and apology. The light handling of the new FSV1207 cameras, leaves a bit to be desired, CMOS and all that there stuff. And I still wasn't real happy with the DomV3's either. sooooooo, OK Folks, I'm ashamed, and embarrassed. A little while ago, I thought I'd give my new Dom V3's...
  11. C

    Homes sliding off a cliff in Pacifica, Ca

    WOW! I wonder what the people across the street are thinking. Phantom does a good job.
  12. C

    VERY dissapointed in dominator V3's

    Yes Bart, that was from the built in DVR on the Dominator V3. Leaves a bit to be desired. Spent awhile installing the new camera on one of my rigs, had to go from 12 volt camera I had installed, to 5 volt for the Fat Shark camera. New 960 TVL camera is a big improvement for the Dominator V3's...
  13. C

    VERY dissapointed in dominator V3's

    Ha! I knew someone would make a comment. Long story short, 67 in Sept, retired Nam vet, on disability, been married, and divorced 3 times! Last divorce in 1992. I was never allowed to have so many toys, too busy buying carpet, drapes, furniture, etc. etc. NOW, I own my 14X70 mobile home on an...
  14. C

    VERY dissapointed in dominator V3's

    OK, "UPDATE" here's the real deal! Just got a couple of the "new" Fat Shark 16X9 (960 TVL) cameras, model FSV1207, and did a quick test, recorded by my "new" Fat Shark Dominator V3 goggles. Of course the video is much better than the recording, as we all know, and is loaded onto Photo Bucket...
  15. C

    VERY dissapointed in dominator V3's

    Hi all, well, I think I've about bought, and tried almost all the available FPV goggles, screens, headsets. And I'm back to my SkyZone goggles, as the best view, performance. I have HeadPlay, VueXL, Quantum headsets, and none of the lens will give me the view I have in my SkyZone's. I have...
  16. C

    Pixhawk- Where to buy??
  17. C

    Naza lite goes straight up in gps

    I had an older Phantom do that once, from out of balance props. Armed OK, but as soon as I gave it some juice, it went wide open buddy, no stick commands seemed to work, although I was trying everything VERY fast. Luckily for me, the tree canopy caught it, and it fell on the roof of my home. Did...
  18. C

    Interesting problem

    Check for vibrations. I've had a Naza Lite do the same thing when I tried some out of balance props. Lucky for me, I was under a tree canopy, and they caught it.
  19. C

    Gobi 180

    Hi all, just got done building a iddy biddy Gobi 180, just for chits and giggles. 12 amp ESC's, 2204/2600kv, 4/4.5, 3C Tried 4C, !! Ha! WAY too much, hovered just above idle, and I set my Naze to not start motors on arming, = motor stop when you pull all the way back, trying to...
  20. C

    Naza Lite will not connect to computer

    OK! Good news! Un-installed everything I could find on my computer from DJI. Then running under administrator, installed the proper DJI Win driver .exe file, then the proper Naza assistant software. Now it's alive !!!!! Thanks for the help