almost ready to give upboth

Jay, Just recalibrated the escs with the clothespins , tried the throttle and now I have all the motors starting together except motor #1.
Motor #1 does not run at all. I would be all set if this was a tricopter, but its not.
Originally all that ran was #1, but now not so much.


Ain't it a real *****! BUT, sounds like you're getting close. Wish I could be of more help. It's really hard to help, "on-line", but like I said before, this site is full of good people. We'll get you in the air, sooner or later! Funny thing, I've had many a battle with these things, and after I finally get all the bugs worked out, and flying, damned if I don't start on another build. But winning feels sooooo good.


Bill- Honestly I am not surprised, and I am really not sure exactly why. Motor esc #1 should connect with M1- this connection powers everything. You probably have 2,3, 4 esc's calibrated.

Have you tried a direct esc servo connect with esc #1 to M1 with no jumpers and all motors connected?


pendejo grande
Do a continuity test. The #1 motor + pin does power the board but doesn't power the rest of the + bus pins.
The #2 motor does. All the pins share a common ground though.
So I'd do all 3 wires on motor 1 and 2 and just signal wires on #3 and 4 (or don't mess with pulling out wires and just plug them all in).


Bill- Try re-calibrating the ESC's. It took me a couple of attempts to calibrate my esc's with all the bleeping beeping with my esc's.

I want to read about you getting airborne soon.

Good luck-

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I was having troubles with my motors like that and when I would take the screws back out it would work fine.


Hoki, if the screws that hold your motors on are too long, they make contact with the winding's in the motor, and can cause all kinds of problems. Some motors have more clearance than others.
Bill, you're getting close!


Yeah I guess I'm learning that. First I blew one ESC cause on my calibration all my motors spinned good except for 1 that was just spuddering weird then I made the ESC smoke. So I quickly turned it off and I was trying to figure out what happened so I unscrewed it and plugged it into another ESC and it worked great so I thought maybe the screws were to long and touching something so I ordered a new ESC and put in shorter screws (the screws that came with it) cause at first I was using longer ones that came with the prop guards. so when the new ESC came I put it together and did the calibration again and it the same motor was spuddering again but this time another motor spuddered too that didn't the first time and the other ESC didn't smoke or anything but the new one I replaced smoked again! So this time I backed out the screws on all the motors and tested them all and they worked great with the screws backed out so now for the 2nd time I have another ESC coming in the mail and this time I'm gonna use a dermal to cut my screws as short as possible but I'm gonna calibrate that one ESC without any screws in the motor first just to make sure it's a screw problem but it has to be a screw problem right?
