Association of Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems -


Now that Multirotor Forums is cruising along with new features and looking great (congratulations Bart, nice work!) I wanted to give you all an update on the Association of Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ACUAS). In the few weeks since this organization has been sparked into life, progress has continued both on the website and behind the scenes. Now that new US regulations are just around the corner, it's more important than ever to keep building our momentum.

Right now federal lawmakers are debating our future, and our opinions need to be heard. How hard should it be to get certification to use drones for business? Should a full-scale pilot's license be required? What equipment requirements or safety inspections are reasonable? How close is too close? When is your aircraft or camera invading someone else's privacy?

We've completed major site updates at, where you can learn about the organization and get involved. Many of you have already joined as members and offered to help in different ways, so thank you! Even as we are just beginning, I'm incredibly pleased to see how our community wants to work together. But I want to be perfectly honest with you, we still have a long way to go.

Also, now is the time to connect with other groups and prominent people in the sUAS industry that share our interests or are talking about similar efforts. Please let me know who you would suggest, and I'll reach out to them to collaborate.


Welcome to!!
If it would help we can put a sub-forum for you in the Professional Associations area.

What I like about your approach Dave is that you guys are recognizing that representation shouldn't be specifically about drone pilots or aerial photographers but about companies that are acting as commercial sUAS systems operators. That, in and of itself, should speak to people that you understand the nature of the people and companies that you are trying to offer representation to.

As this gets more and more into the mainstream the one man operators will be out there alongside much larger operators where the "drone pilot" is just one employee and the whole company is an sUAS operation where everyone involved needs the benefit of representation. Recognizing that and naming the organization appropriately is a good sign for people considering signing up.


Thanks Bart, yes a sub-forum makes a lot of sense. The continued heated discussion on the Representation for Commercial sUAS thread indicates we will have a lot of topics needing to be addressed in the coming weeks as the new proposed regulations come out.

As ACUAS ramps up its efforts to bring attention to these issues, keep in mind we are an advocacy group for YOU, the users of sUAS. Show the world we are united by becoming a member, and help us tell everyone we can why this is important to us.

We love making things fly, and we want to be able to put that to good use! Please help make it happen!

Old Man

Active Member
I think just about anything can be subpoenaed but lawyers and judges get to decide what has to be served up.

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In context of what's going on with this issue, that article is old news. A court ruled that the FAA had to stop issuing Cease and Desist letters and subpoena's. That's also why most of the information requested on the sign up is voluntary. has no intention of being a conduit of information for the FAA or any other organization.


That's right, any information you volunteer to give us when you sign up is simply to help us learn about and contact our members and will remain private. But more importantly, there is nothing illegal about showing your support for industry improvements including regulatory changes. Our goal is to be an organization every member will be proud to be associated with, and we want our members to share our interest in safe and responsible commercial uses of sUAS.

Also, members do not need to fly sUAS commercially or even intend to - anyone who supports our mission is welcome to join.

Old Man

Active Member
The ACUAS is there to support people in favor of commercial use of multirotors. Nowhere does the membership form state one has to be actively engaged in commercial multirotor activities;). One could be a rank amateur but if they support the concept, sign up. No laws broken for that.

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As things keep building pressure in Washington DC and among the sUAS community, I see a lot of new discussions on their way shortly. The FAA says it's about to announce new proposed regulations, and no one expects them to be entirely favorable. Thousands of new multirotors are about to get unwrapped next week by people who have never flown one before, and I have no doubt there will be more incidents and negative press in the days and weeks thereafter.

The ACUAS site now has a page with information about regulations and the different agencies involved, including a bit of backstory on how we got where we are today for those who, understandably, have difficulty keeping it all straight. (Please let me know if you see any mistakes or major omissions!) Soon we should have a forum to discuss specific issues, as well.

I'll admit though that it's harder than I thought to get some people to collaborate. To all those who have already shown their support, I give my sincere appreciation!
