Voltage flashing on mini OSD after latest update

Amazing how a small flashing item can distract you in flight. Tried everything, reduced voltage values on NAZA M V2, turn voltage protection OFF, nothing works. Any idea before I revert to an old and 100% success rate solution... a piece of BLACK TAPE! :(

Hi and thanks for the reply. My flight controller is set for 4S and there is no way (that I can figured out) of entering this portion of the iIOSD mini other than the standard flight controller interface (NAZA). I changed the values to various possblities for 1 and2 alarm to no avail. I think I am going to try to go back to the previous version ???

Sure looks like a bug in the program...

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hmmm, the flashing voltage usually means a low voltage alarm has been triggered. If you've tried these settings then I'm at a loss as to what it could be.

If you find the problem let us know.

For sure! I have written to DJI about this bug and will happily share the solution, that is if they answered me... Let's gave them a chance, notwithstanding a ton of bad reports I have heard over the years...
