MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 3dr radio leds show communication, mission planner wont connect


I got my previous pair of 3dr radios working quickly and easily, these ones which I'm trying to use on my new build/new apm with current firmware via usb don't want to talk to mission planner.

I know that I'm using the right drivers and com port, I have the usb connection unplugged. I've tried various baud rates in win and MP (though it should be 57k), and I've tried the 3dr radio config utility. Both the ground and air modules have a solid green led and their red leds flash in sync, I believe this means "connection established" and "transferring data".

Still I get timeouts and "failed to enter command mode" and "failed to identify radio" errors.

I googled fairly extensively and and people occasionally point to wiring but these appear to be wired properly and tried swapping tx/rx on the air module. This made the syncd red flashing stop.
I've even tried my PC (though also W7 x64), a few versions of mission planner, compatibility modes, no luck. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.


Still not sure what the issue was but I swapped out for some 3dr radios from work and had no problems, so I am assuming it was the hardware.
