Recent content by Rrock

  1. R

    Gopro 3 Black Protune Post Processing?

    So I had some time for tests. And really - I can see less difference (I mean sharpeness exactly) in pictures protuned and unprotuned shot at 4k wide by comparison with 1080p medium (a mean a pair in 4k compared to a pair in 1080p of course). I guess this is because of compression that takes...
  2. R

    Gopro 3 Black Protune Post Processing?

    Thank you for telling which instruments you used. I should try it too! I have a good idea (is still assumption - I should check it later)! When you have 1080p medium GoPro firstly gets image from sensor which is a little more higher resolution, then the image is processed (noiser reduction...
  3. R

    Gopro 3 Black Protune Post Processing?

    Great video! The problem is that I'm the one who at least wants to get THE BEST quality of video possible. And I'm ready to work hard for that. But I still can't make a protuned video look as sharp as unprotuned one. Your video looks great just because your colors look great but you seem to not...
  4. R

    Gopro 3 Black Protune Post Processing?

    Hi, I've tried several plugins for AE including Magic Bullet but the problem is that I can't really get that sharpeness on a protuned video as unprotuned video is. It's really more easy to work with colors with Protune but I can't get rid of the blur it has. Any suggestions?