Recent content by porsche2013

  1. P

    obstacle avoidance sensors for autonomous quadcopter

    Thanks for the response, but have you done any worked with APM and sensors. That's exactly what my question is if APM does support sensors.
  2. P

    obstacle avoidance sensors for autonomous quadcopter

    Hi, I am building an autonomous quad copter using an APM 2.5 flight controller. I will also put 4 obstacle avoidance sensors, and I am debating about using either the XL maxsonar EZO or SRF02 Ultrasonic range finder. If anyone has done any work using either one, I would appreciate any...
  3. P

    MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multii pro FC for autonomous quad copter

    Thanks for the reply. I will further look into it. If you happen to have any other info, please don't forget to pass it along.
  4. P

    Building an autonomous quad copter

    Hello everyone, I am currently building a quad copter using the Multiwii Pro Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module ( , but it has to be fully autonomous. I have been researching about any open source code and have come up...
  5. P

    MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multii pro FC for autonomous quad copter

    Hello everyone, I am currently building a quad copter using the Multiwii Pro Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module ( , but it has to be fully autonomous. I have been researching about any open source code and have come up...
  6. P

    making an autonomous parro ar drone

    Hello everyone, I want to make an ar drone to fly autonomously. I am using an arduino nano, xbee, xbee shield,one distance sensor, and python as the software language. I have been trying to connect the nano directly to the ar drone board to power it up, but i have not been successful. I want to...