Recent content by Photosignals

  1. P

    Tracker : Another option

    Not involved in any way but this offers a 500ft tracking range and looks better than many non-GPS units.
  2. P

    CAA Congested Area Operational Safety Case for SUB 7KG and over 7KG

    Lots of confusion but ARPAS have clarified with the CAA the the existing sub-7Kg congested area exemptions are still in force. The new ruling is for 7-20kg craft. However, as others have pointed out, if you want to fly under the 50m from people rule, then you might want to apply anyhow...
  3. P

    CAA Information Notice Confusion

    Given this is an annual process, still a bit confused whether this is for a specific location, highly defined type of work or just general sub 150m urban work (or 50m for <7Kg).
  4. P

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    On the international front - are countries automatically accepting the accreditation via BNUC? Their own brochure simply states "Certain countries, most notably Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, The Netherlands and Sweden are already aware of the BNUC-S™ as proof of pilot...
  5. P

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Just finished my RPQ-s ground school today - a really well run course with good instructors and a great deal of practical help with stuff the CAA _really_ do not make clear. As the RPQ-s exam is based on actually writing answers rather than multiple choice, you have to learn the material...
  6. P

    Want to fly drones? Don't fly them here

    Good map of places where you really should not be flying drones in the USA. Sadly no support for such info outside NA
  7. P

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Daft question I know but do you need to take an observer for the flight test or is it theoretical how you brief them etc.
  8. P

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Good to hear and well done :)
  9. P

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    A great thread. Thought I'd chip in and say I have now also booked on the Sept/Oct Resource ground school in S.Wales. The feedback from here and elsewhere is almost universally negative about BNUC, they appear more wedded to their own process and admin than the needs of the UAV community...