Recent content by Deltaden

  1. D

    F450 flipping over

    My Witespy 450 w/NAZA does not arm in ATTI mode. Anyone have suggestions? In manual mode, mine also want's to flip. Thanks
  2. D

    quadcopter advice needed

    Thanks KellyR. That answers my questions. I was expecting some web site from the company that makes the Witespy and sells same. So they are "buying and building" from the supplier for resale. Great for them.
  3. D

    quadcopter advice needed

    What's with Hoverthings? Their website is very sad. They always show products "Not In Stock". They don't even have an order page or any phone number to contact. P.S. I now see they have a link to send you to another site that looks just like Hoverthings. What's that all about? Anyone?
  4. D

    Naza F450 Noob

    Could you expound on that? I'm also a newb and need some advice on batteries and charger choices. Thanks