Recent content by carefulmistake

  1. C

    DJI Naza Setup Problem

    OK, we can close this thread on an idiot move. Number two motor was reversed even after I checked them fifty times.
  2. C

    DJI Naza Setup Problem

    It's set up through the Naza Assistant to be between 1 and 2 and that's where it is pointing. Churchill
  3. C

    DJI Naza Setup Problem

    Yes, the Naza is facing forward with the motor inputs being closest to motor 1 and 2. Could this possibly be me needing to adjust the gains? Churchill
  4. C

    DJI Naza Setup Problem

    I've been building a hexa with the DJI Naza as the MC. I've tried everything I could think of to figure out why this is happening but the number 5 motor keeps overpowering the rest and making the hexa want to flip forward. I've tried different motors, different ESC and it keeps doing it. The...
  5. C

    Hello, from Tulsa, OK Here.

    Hello all at MultiRotor Forums. I've recently got into the hobby and am currently building a Xaircraft Hexa. Quite fun so far, hopefully have everything together and going for the nice weather coming up. Hope to learn a lot here about tuning and build techniques. Steven