Hoverfly Hoverfly Gimbal setup / config issues... driving me crazy!


Hello all,

We have a Hoverfly Gimbal controlling a AV200 gimbal on a Skyjib 8, having a very frustrating time trying to get it set up.

Yesterday we set it up perfectly - everything was zeroed - and we saved our Config file in the 'files' tab.

Now today, just before going out to do a test flight, we turned it on, and not only had it forgotten our config settings, we were not able to reload the Config file - the 'load config data' box was greyed out.
We have checked whether this file is corrupted or not, and it is not.

We have our pitch channel on the throttle, and as we are trying to set it up again it is being very inconsistent, levelling at a different random point every time.
Also the angle of the throttle stick should be giving a smooth movement to the pitch, but it is acting like as switch, and beyond centre stick it is jumping to pitching vertically upwards.
Not only this, but we cannot seem to set the pitch to look vertically downwards - the direction we actiually need.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get round this, please share your wisdom!


Once you setup the RX and Servo settings you have to save in the Config tab not the Files tab. The files tab will allow you to save a config and later load it but this feature is not operable yet. To save settings use the "Save Settings" button on the config tab.

I saw your ticket come it but it was after 5pm here in Florida so Ben hasn't got to it yet.
