Is this UK F550 deal any good? Would appreciate the benefit of your experience..


I'm a newbie in the UK and looking to buy a F550, I'd really appreciate it if someone could cast their eye over this hardware list and let me know whether, in your experience, it's any good?
1 x Genuine DJI F550 Flamewheel airframe
6 x iPower 2217 Motors
6 x iPeak 30A ESCs (Mutirotor ready - no programming needed!)
6 x Fibreglass Reinforced Prropellers (4 Black and 2 Green for help with orientation in the air)

High Clearance Undercarriage (220mm) -made from high strength flexible polycarbonate, aluminium and Carbon Fibre
Double sided foam tape

All wiring and connectors
Price - £250
I'll also be buying a Naza FC and GPS, Spektrum DX8, Graupner 9" props, a GoPro Hero 2 and Alware 3 axis gimbal
My concern is the iPower motors and iPeak ESC's as I've not heard anything about them or read anything on the forums about them..

The website is -

hanks for your time, you have the eternal thanks of a newbie :)


Member sell these units and Geoff can advise advantages and may have heard about these. A lot of people fly the standard kit but change the props to Graupners which is what your going to do anyway. It all depends on what you going to do with it. Fly around or add kit IE camera, FPV etc. I went for the standard kit as the only issue I heard about was the props and people where using heavy lifts with the standard setup. I'm sure there are guys on here that have changed there motors and ESC's but ask a pro supplier before buying.



I guess the use does always determine the kit you buy. I'm wanting to shoot video on it, and while the GoPro Hero2 isn't broadcast quality it's good enough for the internet and for producing a showreel.
What flight time do you get out of your batteries?
I'm following another thread where the talk is of 4S 5000 batteries..?


If in any doubt then speak with Geoff at has great experience and knows what he is talking about.


I agree that Geoff is a good guy to speak to. Alex at UAVshop also knows his stuff and has excellent service. Can't go wrong with either


I've spoken with Alex, really nice guy, got loads of great advice for a newbie like me.
I'm just not sure about the F550 setup he's selling, in that the motors and ESC's seem to be a make not really used or sold by anyone else. I'm sure they're good, but since this is my first copter I want to use tried, tested and easily available (globally) kit rather than take a chance on slightly cheaper untested hardware.
