Futaba RS617FS receiver antenna DIY repair


I damaged half of one of the antennas of my receiver.
Looks like these are coaxial antennas.
Is there any DIY antenna I could make instead of buying antennas?
Or else, my quad will be grounded for a month :p



New Member
If you`ve dammaged only the half of the blank/ silver wire , its possible to do sth. with a sharp knife you`ve to cut away the "grey isolation and remove then so much of the
shielding, that to gain the orignal length ( 29mm ) .

If You´ve damaged more of your cable ..... same procedure , but you´ve to know, that you need minimum the same length for the "groundplane" ....

Next possibiliy ist to buy some 50 Ohm Wire ...Isolating as written ...
