Best prop for Axi 2826/12


I am building a new hexa (Y6)using Axi 2826/12. Anyone have any experience with a similar set-up in regards to prop selection?




Your lipo's cell count and the max continious current that your ESC can provide is important at this point. And ofcourse, your AUW is another factor here.

I assume you ESC can provide 30A max. continious and your Lipo is 4S.

In this case, you max prop size could be 14x4 (but you need a discharge rate around 40C with your Lipo).


More info:

For evaluating the prop/motor combos, xcalc is a very invaluable tool:

Using it for the first is a bit confusing but I recommend you to look at jes111's posts. Basically, select the "without Drive" option and just enter the weight of your frame (without motors etc. ) Select the motor cooling as excellent.

Another thing that you should carefully look into is the "throttle linearity". When the throttle linearity is over %70 (you can think throttle linearity as throttle stick position), you won't have enough power to make sudden ascends. So, try to get the throttle linearity around %50-%60 max. You will be more comfortable and "back-up" power incase you need it.


Thanks for your reply.

I will be using 2x4S 5000mAh packs along with the Hobbywing 40A ESCs. I am hoping to be able to do an AUW of around 6-6,5 kgs. I was looking at maybe using the APC 13x6,5. With these props, at an AUW or 6,5 kgs, I get the throttle position around 60% in a hover and a flight time of about 6 minutes. Looks like the 14x4 would perform about the same.

I will be using the WooKong-M. Has anyone flown a similar set-up with the WooKong? If so, what props?

Thanks again,

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