I learned a valuable lesson today - Understand how it all works. Video proof.

I was testing my failsafe (RTH) today on my F550 and NAZA Lite.
I've setup a switch to mix the 3-way mode switch so I can go into failsafe mode whilst in any of the three mode MAN/ATT/GPS.
What I forgot to read was that when in GPS mode and you exit failsafe you WILL NOT regain control.
So I was in GPS mode and turned off failsafe. The Hexa did not respond to I dropped the throttle off and nothing happened. I then 'decided' to flick to ATT mode to see if I regained control. Well, I did but unfortunately my throttle was down. Here's the result. It landed nicely near the end but then went up and after that it all went wrong.

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Video doesn't seem to work.

When I tested RTH turning off the TX she started to do her thing but I didn't feel to safe because of the trees.

To regain I toggled my fail safe switch, flicked to GPS and back to ATT. I was able to regain control.

I can do the same by manually failsafe. Doing the same above worked fine.


Me I put the fail safe on a 2 way switch off and on the 3 way switch is GPS (top) Atli atli I didn't want manual. I just flip down then up once I flip off the fail safe and I can take it over easy. It's much simpler need to fail safe hit the 1 switch and it does it's thing no mater what mode I'm in. Want to take it back over flip the switch up flip the mode switch down then back up and I regain control. I like to keep it simple.
