Batteries for my F550 UK supplier.


Hi All,

Im finally about to by my F550 phone midland helicopters last night and they dont have stock of the batteries i though i was going to get, and it looks like they wont for a while.

Looking at some 4s 5000mah batteries.
I was going to go thunderpower.

What alternatives are there and what are good batteries to buy?

No point buying it until i can power it :livid:


Have a look at Hobby King, they have a UK warehouse and ship quite fast. Not sure if they have Thunderpower, I have got some nano tech from them in the past.


can seem ti get the batteries i want in stock.

want some 5000MAH 4s batteries

not 100% sure what discharge rate or peak yet though


I've been using 4S 5000mah Overlander Supersports on my 550 and they work well with about 9min flight time fully loaded.

The place I got mine was about a fiver cheaper than Overlander direct, but they're out of stock at the moment so here's the direct link to overlander

Electric Wingman also has some slightly heavier, slightly larger capacity 5200mah ones in stock and his service is superb. I actually just got a couple from him but have yet to try them in anger!

RC Legends have some 4500mah turnigy nanotechs in stock

