WKM GPS calibration Blue/Green/White - then nothing



I am getting my WKM back in action again. Have updated to the latest firmware.
I picked up a 14sg (was on spektrum) and I have gone thru and re-calibrated sticks on the transmitter and in the assistant. Then I re-calibrated the esc's.
The assistant seems to be set up properly. (watched the videos on dji website)

I got all my failsafe settings programmed. would like to assign a switch for failsafe, currently its only by turning off transmitter.
(Being new to Futaba, I am just happy getting the motors to fire up and the Tx programmed.)

My issue is in the GPS calibration. I can enter the mode (Blue light), then I am able to get the green (for vertical), and then I get a white. Then Nothing

No reds flashing like normal.

My Hex in "I" config and the GPS puck is on the #4 arm. So straight back and up on the highest post given to me in the WKM box.

I have flown it here with no issues when this unit was using Spektrum

Also, when I plug in battery,(I hear the cell count) I get about 9 green flashes followed by blue flashes.

Any ideas?

thanks in advance :)
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getting 2 red flashes after several more calibration attempts.

Was able to get a GPS calibration . Was able to lift off.

I am completely stumped as to why this was happening.
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Im flying in Atti. In the assistant, all 3 positions Manual/Atti/GPS work properly with 3 way switch.

Also, when I was able to lift off, It was self leveling.

I had been all around town trying to eliminate the factor of me not being in a good area to calibrate. After a couple days it gets old.(haha)

The funny thing is , that I was able to grab the calibration last night in my driveway. The place where I started.

I did notice something weird ,(I dont want to say throttle spikes) but something felt like the throttle wasnt right. (which is why i recalibrated esc's)
I will have to go out to an open area later today. I was just in my driveway and had some not so confident feelings about it. Could have been nerves.

I recently flew a quad with my WKM just before connecting to my HEX, and I didnt feel the throttle issue.



I went and flew it in a nice open area. I was able to switch between the Manual/Atti/Gps modes on the ground. I also saw that Home Position was recorded.
Upon liftoff, right around 40% throttle,without adding any more throttle , the rpm's of the motors would begin to wind up, so I ever so gently pulled back on throttle. There was a bit of a delay and then they would wind down with no input. (very hard to explain)
I lifted off (no more than 3'-4')
The throttle is for sure not right. The Hex was descending and ascending without throttle input.
Then I noticed the LED was not indicating I was in ATTI. I landed and it seems and if I had lost GPS calibration while in the air. ( Is it possible for that to happen ?)

After landing, I was unable to switch between Manual/ATTI/GPS.
I tried another re-calibration and was unsuccessful. Only this time the LED went Blue(horizontal 360) Green (vertical 360) and back to Blue again.

I guess I will start from scratch and see what that brings...

anyone else ever had this , I have been reading , and there seem to be A LOT of calibration issues , but nothing from those threads seem to have helped...


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Just out of interest what equipment are you using? Frame, motors & ESC etc. You mentioned the 'I' configuration so hoped for clarity.. And were you using this WKM on another aircraft before, maybe some old settings are still there?


thanks:) ,

I am running a Flexacopter frame. "I" config. Turnigy Plush 40 amp ESC. avroto 2814-11s / 14x5 props.

I originally had this WKM unit on this Flexacopter. (original build)
I was on firmware 3.14 (i believe). It flew flawless.

Then I replaced the WKM with a Hoverfly Pro. And it flew flawless with that as well.

The WKM was then put on a quad that was basically built from scrap in the garage. That quad flew perfect too.
The quad I programmed the WKM with Futaba 14sg. I had no issues with the setup .

When I installed the WKM on the Flexacopter "I" config. using Futaba 14sg is when the issue occured.

I am currently going to try and re-mount the GPS puck directly over the center of the craft. I dont think that will help because the mount for the
GPS pole has never come off the Flexacopter arm from original build.

So I will find out soon.

-I am also wondering about the throttle issue. could that be related to the calibration ?


I think you are correct.

I will start a new set up and see if I can not have a certain setting that maybe in there...

thanks Benjamin Kenobi. :)


It turns out to be an MC gone bad...

one of the ports for one of the motors went bad. Its very obvious which one it is.

any motor plugged into that port fails to communicate with esc.

So there you have it...

-explains the twitchy throttle issue-
