A2 Firmware Updates Not Working


Over and over I run the firmware updates in the A2 Assistant software and they fail OR appear to fail. Usually I get an error and it says to try power cycle and try again but it just never works when I do. Very frustrating! Particularly so when I have personally had my last A2 take down my Hex all on its own just prior to the 2.1 firmware update. Now I am building an S1000 and I want to be sure I have current firmware. I run my Assistant software on a Mac and have tried in Parallels and right in OSX with the new Mac Assistant. Anyone else having trouble updating their firmware?


Tahoe Ed

Active Member
TC, I am a MAC guy as well. I updated my A2 directly from my MacBook Pro and had no issues at all. Where in the upgrade does it appear to hang? Is it a specific module or all of them?


Teecee, lucky for you it doesn't get installed because since i've installed my gimbal wont work and its left me in a real situation. If i was you i wouldn't try it again or the machine could be grounded. Checkout my latest thread to see the issue im having.
