Idaho boy, here.


Just checkin' in. Found this website after watching a video a guy made using a drone. Great video. I immediately became interested in trying it out myself. I already do video as a hobby so this would be the next natural step I suppose.

This payday I'm going to (unless otherwise informed) purchase the Phantom Vision 2. It is in my price range (just barely) and seems to do everything I could want it to do. I have no reason at the moment to look at other models.


Have fun......Hope you can get some great shots of Grand Targhee and possibly the Tetons or Jackson Hole someday..... Its a spectacular area for AV.



I'm not even close to being qualified to give advice but if you've never flown anything at all before, I would definitely learn the ropes with a micro multirotor. I started with the Blade MQX and it's an unbelievable amount of fun and cheap and easy to repair when you bang it up (which you will!). In terms of giving you the feeling of multirotor flight and getting to grips with orientation etc, I can't believe there's a better way to start!

Have fun!


Gringers... thanks for the advice. I actually have the Blade MCX. It is a great little copter that I've worn out, I think. It just doesn't fly like it used to. I keep fixing it but it just doesn't quite have it anymore.

I said in my post yesterday that I would get the Phantom 2 on payday. Well, I may wait a little longer. I'm an impulse buyer and I'm trying to break that habit. I've decided to gather up all my past impulse purchases... metal detectors, misc. electronics, instructional DVD's etc... you get the idea, and sell them on ebay and raise the money so I don't feel guilty about spending $1200. I could start out cheaper but I know I will eventually upgrade it.

If you wish to help me out and bid on one of these items (all are not listed yet) you can find them under my username... Steveinid, of course. :nevreness: I know, kinda shameful. :rolleyes:
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Idaho eh? About the closest to me I've found so far (Carson City, NV).

I started out with the Blade 180QX and quickly moved up to the Phantom 2 Vision. Frankly, the P2V is SO much easier to fly. I still like flying the 180 but you have to pay attention all the time. It's almost like a real helicopter - a crash waiting to happen and it's up to you to prevent it - ha. The Phantom is just, well, easy. My wife flies it too, and she never touched the 180.

I even made up a silly video showing how easy it is to launch the Phantom, put the controls on the ground, and just stand around doing nothing...

I've had SO much fun with this thing. I'm glad I just retired last year so I can spend tons of time fooling around. Can't wait for summer.

Where in Idaho are you?


I'm in Boise.

The P2V does fly itself. I did a video today where there was no parking on the south side of the road where I wanted to be so I parked and launched from the north side and then crossed over to the south side while dodging traffic... not literally but I had to wait for a couple of cars. I knew the P2V would be fine without me. That is what is great about it. You get in trouble and you stop controlling it until you get your bearings and figure how to get away from those branches. You know. You wanna go left but for some reason you send it right... right into the branches.


You're exactly right Steve. I do the same thing. While I'm a lot better now than at first, I still lose my bearings once in a while and I just STOP. Hang there for a moment, get my bearings (look at the screen too - you know, cheating...) and then move on. I LOVE THIS THING. It can be SO forgiving, unlike my Blade 180QX which requires constant attention - and skill to keep it doing what what I want it to do. :02.47-tranquillity:
