Greetings from Ireland


New Member
Hello, I've worked as a TV cameraman for more than 25 years, but just recently taken up the challenges of flying and aerial filming. Having browsed some of the threads and seen the amount of information available along with the willingness of others to pass on their experiences, I have no doubt that this forum will be a very useful resource for me.

Thank you

Hi and welcome amongst us.

There is definitely a lot of great people here willing to share all their experience for the simple pleasure of sharing the passion. Really, a lot of information and this 24/7/365 days a year.

Personally, I was wondering how you feel about the possibilities now available with multirotors (MR). I imagine you must have thought to yourself, after so many years, that it would have been great to shoot videos, right up in the air, but it was impossible then...

You must feel like a kid in a candy store... :)


New Member
Thanks Roger

Its incredible. The technology is allowing us to produce shots with such a wonderful perspective, not only at a reasonably high altitude but at a low level too. Having filmed from a manned helicopter on a number of occasions, the cost involved is also a huge factor for producers too. Its win win win !!
