Tau Labs A few questons about getting started


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Going back to configuration and in the Input tab, increasing the Throttle value from it's calibrated low of 1107 to 1800 has reduced the effect but now the throttle range is 1800 to 1930, is that acceptable? Normal?


Defies Psychics
With the 0608 version of GCS that you have you leave the throttle at lowest position when you un-check the box. It will then add a little to the bottom value and move the slider.

See Pic above.

No, that throttle range is not normally and I definitely wouldn't fly with it. I'm guessing your throttle channel might be reversed though? Can you take a screenshot of that panel? The neutral (slider) should usually be over to the left. Also, when you increase the throttle stick during calibration does it go from low pulse duration to high pulse duration?

Oh also I would put good money down that 400 Hz will work with XA but you are exploring new territory so use caution. If you are using spektrum satellite or SBus for input you can actually go up to 500 (I can explain how if you are) but for PWM input you don't want to do that or you might have input glitches which is why we default cap to 400.


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well, it flew. it flew pretty nicely too, mellow, stable, not too jittery for a first flight. i was rushing so much to get out the door with it that I forgot to reset the arming just as Dave did, so much for being able to learn by example.
my radio is a Futaba 9CHP with a PCM receiver, running on 72mHz.
when I calibrated my throttle it ran opposite of the display so I used GCS to reverse it. the problem though was that the throttle value in the Flight data page showed that it was less than one just about for the full throw of the transmitter stick so it didn't come on until it was at 90%. The only way I saw to remedy this was to the RC Input table and manually up the throttle minimum (duration of pulse, i'm learning, no? :) ) to 1800+. i still had a deadband though above the normal TX position of zero and that is why I just dropped unannounced out of the sky and broke my gear legs. i took a lot of pride in having an X650 for this long without ever breaking a gear leg. someone in china just got even with me for putting OP on their frame.
Anyway, suggestions are always welcome but it did fly which maybe will earn me a medal somewhere? ;)
Moving on to the next project.....


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Oh also I would put good money down that 400 Hz will work with XA but you are exploring new territory so use caution. If you are using spektrum satellite or SBus for input you can actually go up to 500 (I can explain how if you are) but for PWM input you don't want to do that or you might have input glitches which is why we default cap to 400.

400 worked fine. no worries. flew nicely actually.


Just for interest Timecop (RCgroup) gave me this advice when using the Xaircraft ultra pwm esc:

Start point needs to be 200us. I changed mine to 173
End point needs to be 1200us.
Period can be fine at 400Hz.



Just for interest Timecop (RCgroup) gave me this advice when using the Xaircraft ultra pwm esc:

Start point needs to be 200us. I changed mine to 173
End point needs to be 1200us.
Period can be fine at 400Hz.


Went to test today and found motors 1 not firing up at same time, even though when connected to the GCS they all started together.
Then went to set up again and adjusted all the start points again so that all the motors started together and went to test again and now motors 2 and 4 not firing up at all. This carried on a few times and still no solution. I think it is the update rate that is the problem. Anyone managed to make this work?


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I have had it work and even flew a couple of flights successfully. If you follow the OP TV vol 1 directions you end up with motors spinning when they shouldn't be so there's a process of not using the flight battery until you get past the point of having the motors and channels set up. I used a 4 cell nicad to power the receiver while I tried to get the CC board configured. If I have tie I'll try it again tonight but last time I had my CC board on the bench I couldn't get it to recognize my receiver. I'll have to clear it and start over.
Setting the ranges for the ESC's to 200-1200 was the major trick to make it work and the rest of it is just a matter of getting through the other steps successfully.
I'll try to get it out and working tonight. will do video if i can.


Got it working. Don't know what I did the 1st time, but I recalibrated everything and this time it worked well. Must just sort out the trim a bit, but this looks like it could be fun.

Never flown a smaller quad before and put the OP CC on a 450, and I can see I am going to enjoy this more than my bigger hexa.




One isuue with the copter control is its main benifit - its very configurable, which can lead you down the wrong path and get very frustrated

Simple things like mis-matched firmware and incorrect reciever signals can tie you in knots for days, but once its sorted it becomes easy

I'm staring at a bottle of "v" energy drink and working out how I will get copter control to make it fly :)
