Caught the bug



My name is Zaid and I have been enjoying the hobby for 6 years.

I am predominately into helis but I do fly fixed wing and gliders from time to time (weather dependent). I am based in North Wales UK. I have played with a couple of cheap cameras strapped to the helis and gliders in the past but did not enjoy the end results.

I was playing with the idea of building my own FPV drone and gone as far as purchasing some of the electronics but decided it will take far too much time, so I opted for buying the electronics.

I had a dabble with my DJI Discovery over a couple of beauty spots in North Wales and I was very pleased with end results.

Just last week I finished assembling a DJI f550 Hex with a brushless gimbal from areoXcraft and looking forward to capturing some nice footage.

I am also looking forward to learn from your knowledge and experience

Regards :tennis:

