how do you keep track of your work/flights?


New Member

not sure if this is relevant to many, but thought to ask around

Currently I am keeping list of jobs (planned and done) I've done in some stupid excel file (googledocs) - when I was flying, where, for whom, what was the subject (photo/video), who was piloting, how much did I charge for it, when was invoice issued, whether it's paid or not and so on. And I do sense already that this is not really best way to do it - I would like to have integrated calendar (overview when I have free slots etc), automated invoice issuing, keep track on number of flights and so on..

So before developing something I thought to ask what tools do you use for this type of "register"? Must be web-based, good if it's easily integrated with your existing website etc... Maybe I'm overcomplicating it and some simple booking system would work? Which one? :)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,
