Drew from Santa Cruz


Hi All,

I just found this site while surfing the net trying to troubleshoot my problems that I've run into with my quad. It has been a joy putting it together, but now I just want to get into the Air. Can't wait because all the videos look like a lot of fun.

Drewvian from Santa Cruz.


Active Member
Welcome Drewvian. Santa Cruz is a lively area, so I hope to see some cool videos from you soon.


This first copter I am setting up doesn't have a camera because his is my first build, but my next one will have one for sure. I think I may be flying for the first time today


Hi Drew -
I'm from Santa Cruz but living in Australia now. Visited a few months ago and it's still as great now as 25 years ago. Someone in your area is shooting from MRs as a friend just sent me this link of a video taken at Steamers Lane:

