Greetings from the plains


New Member
Hi Folks;

I'm Jim, I'm mostly an Aeroquad guy, but I've been branching out and trying a few other products as well. I've been flying RC in the shadow of the Rockies since the 70's, and I've been flying helis for six years. I tried to build an experimental quad about four years ago. The scratch built frame was too heavy and too fragile. I just scavenged the motors and ESC's and dropped them into a FlameWheel 450 knock off. We'll see how that does when the control board comes in. I've got a KK 2.0 coming from Hobby King (you weren't in a hurry were you) and a MultiWii SE coming from Value Hobby in Illinois. I'm betting the MultiWii gets here first, but we'll see. I'd better quit blabbing and get back to the salt mines. I'll check out the Forum again soon.

