Removing DJI GPS from Mast - Do's and Dont's?


Argh... Sorry all, I know this has been asked a hundred times but despite all my forum searches...

What's the best method to remove the mast from the DJI GPS?? Heat gun and gentle twisting?? Hacksaw? Hammer??? What am I going to screw up that I didn't think I'd screw up but will now need a spare for ;)

Thanks in advance!!!!

Hi SMP, I assume you used the double sided tape that came with it to attach it to the top of the aluminium disk on top of the carbon post.
I used a very sharp kitchen knife (not a knife you use for eating but for cuuting your raw meat or fish, thin and sharp). Place the cutting sharp end between the GPS and the aluminium disk and gently move the knife back and forth just a little while applying pressure. Once the knife has penetrated into the double sided tape, use the blade as a lever and gently rotate it along its length axis (in other words twist your wrist) and slowly pry the GPS sensor of while continuing to cut deeper until it pops off. I have done this on 4 occasions and never had a problem.
Regards - bruce


Hey Bruce, it was an RTF but it does look like thats exactly how it was mounted. Thx a ton mate!!


Drone Enthusiast
Hey Bruce, it was an RTF but it does look like thats exactly how it was mounted. Thx a ton mate!!

In general i would advice to get rid of the all the double sided stick tape and use dual loc Just much cleaner and part come of and can be stuck on again. Only the IMU should always be mounted with double sided. I even started mounting my gopro to the gimbal or hard mounted with dual lock, without the protection gopro case though !



Slightly off topic of the question but maybe helpful later. I ended up using a split color shaft around the gps base mount so that I could leave the aluminum base on the multirotor so I can easily remove the actual mast. It works great and makes traveling and adjusting the compass easy. Just a tip for when you decided to put the gps back on.


Carefully draw a box cutter knife or razor bladed back and forth thru the double-sided tape if that was used. If you used epoxy for installing the aluminum pieces to the carbon fiber mast and need to disassemble these parts apply heat from a heat gun but not too much. Most epoxies just can't handle much heat and will crystalize when heat is applied.
Then twist the aluminum parts back and forth from the cf rod. CF rod uses a much higher quality and heat tolerant epoxy.

Argh... Sorry all, I know this has been asked a hundred times but despite all my forum searches...

What's the best method to remove the mast from the DJI GPS?? Heat gun and gentle twisting?? Hacksaw? Hammer??? What am I going to screw up that I didn't think I'd screw up but will now need a spare for ;)

Thanks in advance!!!!
