Herkey Jerkey Go Pro


Shooting my first video from a Phantom with a Go pro 3. The video is very "jerky" almost stacatto like. I'm sure its a bad setting on the camera on my part. Any suggestions? Thanks

Is the GoPro directly mounted on the Phantom? Or do you have a gimbal?
And when you say "jerky", please describe better? Do you mean you see a lot of the Phantom vibration? Or are you just saying that the Phantom was jerkying around so the video reflects that? Or are you maybe describing a very slow frame rate which has a choppy feal? Lastly, can you post the video? It would help us see what you are seeing.


New Member
Camera: Record at 1080p60. W or M, your preference. Usually at lower p (30/24; vibration) or bright sunlight (shutter speed), you will see "warbly" footage. The faster framerate usually helps in minimizing vibration.
Phantom: Did you balance your props, make sure your motors are firmly affixed? Make sure the GP is firmly affixed? Issues w/ vibration will transfer a vibration to the video, especially if you are hard-mounted to the craft.
Computer: Playback may be challenged on older computers trying to run higher frame/bit-rates. That could be the staccato issue. If you are using quicktime, go to window>movie inspector. This will show you what framerate (p) you are getting at playback, and will show if you are lagging. If you are shooting in p60, you should have a constant 59.94 (or whatever the fraction is, can't remember off hand.)
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