Help with assembly

To me, it looks like a counter-clockwise turning prop in the place that both the IMU and the GPS are pointing, but I may very well have it backwards.

Also, how "tight" do I make the nut that holds the prop on? I thought I made mine VERY tight, but one of them loosened itself up during the test, and that is worrisome. It didn't pop off, but it was close.

Beautiful floor, by the way!
Thanks, been the original floor in this house since my grandfather bought it new in 1956.

How do I tell a CCW from CW prop? I thought a CCW prop had the "cutting" or "sharp" edge aimed in the widdershins direction, and the CW prop has that sharp edge aimed in the clockwise direction. Do I have it wrong?

I'll start swapping them now, as I can't come up with any other solution...


No, it's deffinately a clockwise prop. Look at the angle of attack of the blades.

Nuts should be very tight. Hold the motor tightly with your hand and tighten the nut as tight as you can until the motor slips in your hand.

You will need to check these nuts regulary to ensure they are tight. Include that in you pre-flight checklist.

Write down a pre=flight checklist and follow it religiously.

Do I have the prop on upside-down?

How do I tell which side is up? And the tape that they used to balance the props, should that be on the top or bottom, or just whichever side balances it best?


The props have a curve along the root, just like a wing. This faces up. Just like a wing the curve across the root creates a low pressure area, lift.

Just for reference, tape is ok to balance, but not ideal. When you get a prop balancer check back with me and I'll walk you thru balancing them the best way.

OK, that was the trick! I have lift now, awesome!

Although I can't fly it around right now, it's wayyyy too late. I had to power it up in my living room just to make sure it would actually leave the ground; it does. I got it to about 10" off the ground and then dropped it back down - it's way too big to actually use indoors haha.

Tomorrow morning I will take it down to the park and fly it and let you know how it goes! Thanks so much for sticking with me through this process :)

Can I put a second nut on top of the nut, just to keep peace of mind that it isn't sliding off during flight?


Most deffinately. Use a wrench to hold the lower nut and then tighten the upper nut to lock them, that way you don't over torque the shaft.

Read the manual a couple dozen times, until you understand the WKM.

I strongly suggest you calibrate the compass before flying. It's always a good idea to re-calibrate the compass whenever you change location, like wherever Tony is to where you are. The WKM needs this information.

Glad you got it up! What a rush, huh?

Don't bother adding the gimbal just yet. You need to learn how to fly this thing first. You don't want to crash that gimbal. They are a ***** unto themselves to repair!
